April 26, 2010

Lost in Psalm.

This week I've gotten myself lost in the book of Psalm. David, although he didn't write the whole book, was a beautiful musician. I think what I'm finding so refreshing about David is the place of human-ness that he conversed with God from. He's utterly human in his writing. There's no pretense of perfection. He's not writing to get comments on his blog or sell a book, or have his songs hit #1 in the Christian radio industry. He's writing from the place of raw life. Tending sheep. Running from Saul. Struggling to hear God's voice and be heard by God. Honesty. Sincerity.

David did something that set him apart from others though. David Praised. David exalted God in the midst of his crap. God, this this and this is going on and it sucks, but why are you downcast my soul, praise God..trust God, embrace God...

Here's my favorite from the week. I've read this one about 12 times this week, I can't seem to get away from it.

Psalm 66:16-20

Come and listen, all you who fear God;
       let me tell you what he has done for me.
 I cried out to him with my mouth;
       his praise was on my tongue.
 If I had cherished sin in my heart,
       the Lord would not have listened;
 but God has surely listened
       and heard my voice in prayer.
 Praise be to God,
       who has not rejected my prayer
       or withheld his love from me!

Today I praise God, for as He answers my prayers, I know His love remains unwavering. Praise be to God, who knows that which we need before we need it. Praise be to God. Praise be to God.


  1. your passion for our Father truly inspires me! i hope that you can come to revolution tuesday night, i'd love to see you again!

  2. Brooke. So good to hear from you. I'm working full time for Land of a Thousand Hills at the Warehouse. At the moment, I'm working the closing shift, so it totally wipes out my social calendar, but the first Tuesday I have off, I'll be there. Promise :)
