January 30, 2010

Conversations about love.

I'm sitting at Starbucks, finished with my Vanilla Soy Latte and preparing for this week's sermon. Thoughts from the week keep running through my head, so blogging them out might just free up enough space in the noggin to continue the sermon. These are conversations that have taken place in my life in the last week. They are real encounters, priceless moments that I hope will bring you laughter.

Conversation #1 - with a friend.

When are you getting married?

That's a great question. 

It's gonna happen soon. 

Excuse me?

It's coming soon. Get ready. 

Not funny and I'm not having this conversation.

Conversation # 2 - at a recent wedding.

I haven't met you. You must be Kelly's other half. 

No. We're not together. I'm single. 

Conversation #3 - babysitting 6 year olds.

Kel-Kell, are you married?


Kel-Kell, do you have a boyfriend?


Kel-Kell, how old are you?

I'm 22. 

Kel-Kell you're too old to not have a boyfriend.

Conversation # 4 - random couple at Zaxby's.

Wife: You guys are welcome to the Pastor's conference in Feb.
Oh, and you can bring your husband. 

I will when I find him, I'm single. 

Husband: Just go to Walmart.

I didn't know they sold those there. 

Husband: They don't, but you're purdy enough, you just have to stand outside and you could bring one home by supper time. 

Thanks for the advice. 

Conversation # 5 - five year old boy. 

Kel-Kell - would you rather fight a dragon, swim with sharks or kiss your husband?

Is this kid legit? Seriously? I'm 22, what do you think?

All this wedding talk has me thinking and I've come to a very important conclusion this week. I found myself talking to God over and over again as these conversations happened this week. I know the timeline the Lord's given me thus far, and though others would like to push things along, I'm at the place now that I've always been striving to get to. Driving in my car this week I told the Lord "I trust You." After I said it, I wanted to cry, simply because it was true. I trust Him. Completely. I laugh when conversations such as these come up, and I know more are to come, but to trust the Lord with my whole heart, to lean on His time table is the greatest relief. This is the place where I want to stay. 

Have you come to that place yet? That place where it's in God's hands and you don't want to even think about taking it out of them? I love it. I love these moments and these conversations. I cherish trusting God. There have been moments in my life where I couldn't say that fully, where I only wanted to trust Him with a piece of my life and then I'll take care of the rest of it. I trust Him with it all. Do you?

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