March 5, 2011


I saw it in someone's eyes this week....

"You're a Pastor?"

I watched as fear overtook her face. Then I realized I was afraid too....but my fear was different.

Her fear was conviction. Fear that I could see deep into her soul and would judge her for what she's done wrong in her life. My fear was that I would fail to show her the Love of Christ, that she would bring a question to the table that I could not answer and I would drive her far from the Loving Arms of the Father God.

"Yes, I am...that's crazy, huh?"

"As long as you don't shove that **** down my throat, I don't care."

Shove it? Never. Live it out in front of you? I surely hope so.

"They will know that you are my disciples when you Love One Another..."

Life Abundant

"I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance...." John 10:10

Truer words were never spoken. Christ came so that we might experience life to the full. Life of abundance. For those of you who actually read my postings, let me catch you up on just how abundant my life has been these last few months....

In October I was diagnosed with Melanoma. After two surgeries and a few tough moments, the doctors cleared me until my next check up. I am doing well and I don't expect to see the word cancer becoming a part of my life. I refuse to give it power, which is why I'll only mention it briefly here.

In January. I began to feel the total importance of having solid health insurance as I continue with biopsies and doctors appointments to come. I gave in. I joined the Starbucks team. Those of you who know me, I LOVE COFFEE. I may love coffee more than I love some family members ;) (just kidding, but seriously). Coffee is a huge part of my life and a huge part of my future.

Well, I'm also still full time at Ident-A-Kid - the land of Child Protection. Yes, that is what we do. We work hard to keep your kids safe. :)

And I am blessed beyond measure to be the Associate Pastor at Dahlonega Assembly of God in Dahlonega, GA. I have taken on the responsibilities over our Children's Ministry and I am loving it. God is teaching me through His precious children and I am loving every minute that I get to teach them His Word and to Worship. I love every aspect of being apart of what God is doing in Lumpkin County.

I also met a very sweet man who's taking his time to pursue a Godly relationship with me. of that which, I am blown away most days :)

I am blessed - Abundantly.

When many people are struggling to find work, I have three jobs. One provides my finances, one provides my health insurance (and a bonus check :) and the other allows me to give of myself and grow into the pastor and woman God's called me to be. (and yes, I realize a little more everyday just how much more I have to grow).

So why am I blogging this day? Why take the time to write it all out?

Cause I'm afraid one day I'll forget this day. I'll forget that even in these tough moments, I really Love Jesus with everything that I am. I really am right in the center of His Life Abundant. I'm afraid that I'll forget to take the time to give Him praise for the strength He's providing to get me through the day.

My thoughts maybe scrambled today. This may not be for you. But it's for me.

Lord I praise You - That you know us better than we know ourselves. You know our needs - You know our fears. You have a great Mastermind of a plan. You are deeply and intimately in love with us. You cherish us. Let us not stop loving you in Abundance. Let us not stop praising you Abundantly. For you are the Light to this dark world. You are our HOPE. Speak your Words to our hearts today. We love you Abba. We love you. Amen.