August 21, 2011

Ordinary to Extraordinary

John 4

When we have an encounter with Jesus, He calls us out of the ordinary life and into an extraordinary life with Him. So it was with the Samaritan woman at the well. He waited for her, challenged her on her sin, reminded her of her inherited faith, and engaged her in conversation that pointed towards the Messiah. When He revealed who He was to her, she left to tell the town of whom she had encountered.

She left behind her water jar.
She left behind the ordinary.
She encountered something extraordinary.
She changed an entire community.

She left behind her water jar.
Perhaps she picked it up again at some point.
Life had to go on as normal.
But everyday as she went to draw water,
she remembered the Master who promised streams,
streams of living water.

Have you had an encounter with Jesus that stops you in your tracks? Have you left behind the ordinary, mundane things of life to tell others about Him and find out who He is for yourself?

Jesus takes our ordinary lives and transforms them into the extraordinary.

Wait. Challenge. Remind. Reveal. Transform.

Grace & Peace

August 15, 2011

Embracing Fall.

I just spent the last three hours trying to find my password and login to this blog so that I could write a memoir of what God has done in these last few months. Now that it is 10:41pm and I've become an old woman, my bed time is approaching quickly. So I'll leave you with a "quick" summary. LOL. Me write anything quick?

In the Spring, I felt completely overwhelmed by life's busy schedule. I couldn't find a minute to breathe, let alone pray. My life was consumed with work and ministry. My work was getting accomplished, my ministry was falling apart. Quite simply. I was exhausted. It's not that I was "burnt out" on ministry as many would say, O contrary. I was more in the place that I was determined to do anything to make it all work and it...just...didn't. I am humbled to say it, but I relied on my own strength and my own ability to make it all happen. In brokenness and sleepless nights, and through many tears later, I found a word that brought me the greatest JOY and the biggest sense of RESTORATION.

The word was simple: SURRENDER.

Sounds like a scary word to some, maybe an easy word to others, but to me it was LIFE. I laid my schedule and my life once again at the Master's Feet.

"Here Jesus. I surrender. If you want my Job #1, I'll quit it. If you want my job #2, I'll give it up. If you want my ministry, I'll surrender it."

Hey Kelly, Jesus called. He said it's His Church and it's His Ministry and you can trust Him with it now. He's been working on your behalf since the first day you chose to surrender. Be patient. Be still. God's about to do something that will blow your mind.

One month after my last day with my loved family at Dahlonega Assembly, I got an opportunity to take a group of teenagers to Washington DC to do missions. The things I saw and experienced reminded me to love again. The homeless, the broken, the less fortunate. The kids. The teenagers. Jesus. Seeds of love and moments of renewal awakened my soul once again to the deep calling God has placed within me.

That week in DC changed the students life, but it changed my life every bit as much. I have learned so many things about myself and about my Creator in this season of transition. He's my all in all. The very breath that gives me life.

One week after we got back from DC, the Elder board at NewSong Community Church asked me if I would like the opportunity to pastor part time with the very same students I worked with in DC. Me? I prayed about it, but really, I knew before they even asked that this was God's provision. I quit Starbucks so fast, it made my head spin.

So that brings us to today. August 15th at 11:01pm. Today is my first official day as the Youth Pastor at NewSong Community Church. Today is a day of celebration and rejoicing. God has made a way, where I couldn't see a way. God has filled in the cracks and the broken places, restored my soul, renewed my strength, and now I will rise on the wings of Eagles.

The Lord's goodness and faithfulness resounds so strongly with me today. He is worthy of all Glory, Honor, and Praise. I can't do this in my own self, but the Lord will by my light and my confidence.

NewSong Youth: I love you. God's got BIG plans for your life. Let's dive into HIS Word together and be led of His Spirit to do the good things He prepared for us to do since before the creation of the world.

Dahlonega Peeps: I love you. You are family and always will be. I'm only a phone call away. Thank you for letting me pastor and celebrate victory's and persevere through trials with you. It's an honor and a blessing to know that I'm always at home with you.

Father: I am blessed to be Yours. My soul rejoices in who you are. Help me to love without measure. Open my eyes to see all that you have for our families, our church, and our communities. Holy Spirit, lead us in the way of your righteousness. We love you. In Christ's most Holy and Precious Name. Amen.

Together - Let's Embrace the Fall.

May 26, 2011

Embracing Summer

With the changing of the season, I feel its time to begin blogging again. Ident-A-Kid wrapped up the spring semester last Thursday and today is my first day back with the girls. Funny how summer starts today and yet I feel like its almost over.

The last few months have been... Well some things cannot be put into words. But today I feel like I can breathe again.

I am aware of just how much the Father's love can carry us through, when we don't seem to feel it, nor do we seem to be ourselves. He is constantly at work in our lives and for that I am forever grateful.

Love. Grace. Strength from on High.

March 5, 2011


I saw it in someone's eyes this week....

"You're a Pastor?"

I watched as fear overtook her face. Then I realized I was afraid too....but my fear was different.

Her fear was conviction. Fear that I could see deep into her soul and would judge her for what she's done wrong in her life. My fear was that I would fail to show her the Love of Christ, that she would bring a question to the table that I could not answer and I would drive her far from the Loving Arms of the Father God.

"Yes, I am...that's crazy, huh?"

"As long as you don't shove that **** down my throat, I don't care."

Shove it? Never. Live it out in front of you? I surely hope so.

"They will know that you are my disciples when you Love One Another..."

Life Abundant

"I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance...." John 10:10

Truer words were never spoken. Christ came so that we might experience life to the full. Life of abundance. For those of you who actually read my postings, let me catch you up on just how abundant my life has been these last few months....

In October I was diagnosed with Melanoma. After two surgeries and a few tough moments, the doctors cleared me until my next check up. I am doing well and I don't expect to see the word cancer becoming a part of my life. I refuse to give it power, which is why I'll only mention it briefly here.

In January. I began to feel the total importance of having solid health insurance as I continue with biopsies and doctors appointments to come. I gave in. I joined the Starbucks team. Those of you who know me, I LOVE COFFEE. I may love coffee more than I love some family members ;) (just kidding, but seriously). Coffee is a huge part of my life and a huge part of my future.

Well, I'm also still full time at Ident-A-Kid - the land of Child Protection. Yes, that is what we do. We work hard to keep your kids safe. :)

And I am blessed beyond measure to be the Associate Pastor at Dahlonega Assembly of God in Dahlonega, GA. I have taken on the responsibilities over our Children's Ministry and I am loving it. God is teaching me through His precious children and I am loving every minute that I get to teach them His Word and to Worship. I love every aspect of being apart of what God is doing in Lumpkin County.

I also met a very sweet man who's taking his time to pursue a Godly relationship with me. of that which, I am blown away most days :)

I am blessed - Abundantly.

When many people are struggling to find work, I have three jobs. One provides my finances, one provides my health insurance (and a bonus check :) and the other allows me to give of myself and grow into the pastor and woman God's called me to be. (and yes, I realize a little more everyday just how much more I have to grow).

So why am I blogging this day? Why take the time to write it all out?

Cause I'm afraid one day I'll forget this day. I'll forget that even in these tough moments, I really Love Jesus with everything that I am. I really am right in the center of His Life Abundant. I'm afraid that I'll forget to take the time to give Him praise for the strength He's providing to get me through the day.

My thoughts maybe scrambled today. This may not be for you. But it's for me.

Lord I praise You - That you know us better than we know ourselves. You know our needs - You know our fears. You have a great Mastermind of a plan. You are deeply and intimately in love with us. You cherish us. Let us not stop loving you in Abundance. Let us not stop praising you Abundantly. For you are the Light to this dark world. You are our HOPE. Speak your Words to our hearts today. We love you Abba. We love you. Amen.

January 13, 2011

Snowed In

It's day number four of being snowed in...

I'm living inside a cozy red blanket that I bought on black friday at four o'clock in the morning.

I'm tired.

Not that I've done anything exciting the last four days.

I've actually been bored. Bored out of my mind.

I realize, I love working.

I love productivity.

I hate lazy days.

I hate ice.

Time for sleep.
and another lazy day.